Fables comic book coming to ABC
The comic book Fables is heading to television. ABC has given a pilot commitment to the show.For those who haven't heard of it, Fablesis an excellent comic. The concept is that the characters in all thefairy tales and folklore, some that Disney subverted (Snow White,Cinderella, etc.) and a few that they haven't (the Big Bad Wolf, Jackand the Beanstalk) are living in modern New York after having fledtheir homeland of Fabletown, which had been conquered by someone knownas "The Adversary".
One of the beautiful aspects of the series(which creator Bill Willingham made his mantra) is that all of thecharacters are in the public domain. No entity has the rights to any ofthe characters so they can all be freely used. I give a minor spoileras an example: Peter Pan was originally supposed to be the villain ofthe comic until Willingham learned that the character is stillprivately owned.
This concept has a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully, it won't end up being another example of The Charmings.
(c)tv squad
Это видимо мне прям подарок на мой ДР))
товарищи с ABC(те что отменили нделю назад Pushing Daisies) будут снимать сериал..ну пока что пилот только по Fables
да, и еще одно. одной из тех вещей за которые я люблю-таки fables всей душой, это их cover art by James Jean, который настолько великолепен,что большинство из его рисунков просто не поддаются аватаризации.. ну практически. что настолько обидно аж жуть))
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